Equipment operators load Howard County generated trash from commercial and residential customers on to tractor trailers. Material is then transferred to Annapolis Junction Transfer Station where it is loaded on to rail cars and sent by train to King George County, VA to be landfilled.
Transfer Station, 2350 Marriottsville Rd, Marriottsville, MD 21104
Monday-Saturday, 8:00am - 3:00pm
Residents and commercial vehicles must cross the scales before entering the Transfer Station.
Transfer Station Disposal Information
When do I need to dispose at the transfer station?
Commercial Customers
Commercial customers hauling Howard County generated trash must cross the scales before proceeding to the Transfer station. Commercial customers must have an active commercial permit to use any facility at Alpha Ridge Landfill.
Residential Customers
Howard County residents disposing of Construction and Demolition (C&D) material OR using a dump truck, box truck, trailer or rental vehicle hauling trash must cross the scales before proceeding to the Transfer Station.
What is Construction & Demolition (C&D) material?
Howard County considers the following material to be construction and demolition debris and subject to a tip fee. This list is not exhaustive and may be expanded in the future.
- Asbestos containing materials (see proper handling below)
- Bath tubs/sinks/toilets
- Cabinetry
- Composite Board
- Doors/windows
- Drywall/Sheetrock
- Electrical Fixtures
- Insulation
- Lumber (treated and non-treated)
- Plumbing
- Siding
- Treated plywood/particle board
- Wall-to-wall carpet
- Chain link fence
Important Information about Asbestos
Asbestos is a dangerous carcinogen that may be found in some products within older homes. Taking appropriate precautions before handling and disposal is crucial. Material must be in tied, double containment, heavy (4 mil. or thicker) black trash bags (i.e., contractor trash bags). Please review these important guides when dealing with asbestos products.
Is there a fee?
Residents and commercial customers disposing of construction, demolition and home improvement material at Alpha Ridge Landfill will be directed to weigh in at the scalehouse and will be charged accordingly. Deliveries mixed with household waste will be subject to fees.
Special Exception Permit for Residents
On occasion, residents may apply for a Special Exception Permit in advance when using a commercially marked vehicle, rental vehicle or disposing of unusually large quantities of household trash. For more information, please visit our webpage.
Removal of Hazardous Material
Check out the EPA's Recommended Practices for Pre-Demolition Removal of Mercury-Containing Devices from Residential Buildings.
For home improvement projects, Howard County residents should bring any Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) material to Alpha Ridge Landfill. Collections are help Saturdays from April-November.
Deconstruction BEFORE Demolition
Before starting any construction/home improvement project, consider whether any material may be salvageable. The EPA's Deconstruction Rapid Assessment Tool can assist with planning your deconstruction project.
Reuse & Recycle Options
Don't trash good items! There are many opportunities for usable building supplies.
- Habitat Restore
- Housewerks - 410-685-8047
- Second Chance - 410-385-1101
- Community Forklift - 301-985-5180
- The Loading Dock - 410-5583625
Check out the Builders' Guide to Reuse and Recycling and the Howard County C&D Recycling Guide. Visit The Recycling Center in Laurel or MDRecycles for a local directory of recycling and disposal resources.
Prohibited Items
The following items are PROHIBITED for disposal at Alpha Ridge Landfill:
- ammunition
- dead animals
- engine blocks (over 2')
- explosives
- hot ashes
- infectious waste
- pathological waste
- radioactive waste
- radiological waste
- septage waste
- surgical hospital waste
This is not an exhaustive list. Please refer any questions concerning disposal of special wastes to a landfill supervisor.